Finals Week. Less Blogging, More Studying.

It’s that nasty time of the year where brains turn to mush and bodies look like walking zombies shuffling into lecture seats. Finals! I’ve actually already pulled an all-nighter and took my very LAST science final today. Cell Biology was killer, and I ended up sleeping most of the day afterwards. But I still have more left and Becca hasn’t even started yet! What does that mean about blogging? Well, less of course. Which is why April was a sad month for posts over at Nawanda Files, and I’ve been a little MIA here.

So what does that mean about writing? Ehh…I’d like to say that studying trumps writing, but Becca and I can both attest to being consumed by our need to put words to paper. It’s an addiction, and sometimes we’re incapable of making smart choices. Like giving up those hours writing to study for a week. No regrets though! Only pain while taking the test after being zombified from cramming all night.

Are you in college and undergoing this torture? Or do you remember what it’s like? Before I leave you, here’s my general feeling towards finals.

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